Navigating the Upgrade Odyssey: A Journey Through React Native Project Upgrades and helpful tools

4 min readDec 28, 2023

Hey fellow developers! Today, I want to share my experiences and insights on the somewhat daunting yet essential task of upgrading a React Native project. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding adventure, upgrading your project can sometimes feel like setting sail into uncharted waters. Fear not, for I’ve got your back, and we’ll navigate through this upgrade odyssey together.

The Necessity of Upgrades:

First things first, why bother upgrading? Well, upgrading your React Native project isn’t just about getting the latest and shiniest features (though that’s a bonus!). It’s about staying on the cutting edge, benefiting from bug fixes, security patches, and the continuous improvements made by the fantastic React Native community.

The Upgrade Challenge:

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room — the challenge of upgrading. In the old days, upgrading used to be a bit of a hassle. You had to juggle updates for Android, iOS, and JavaScript separately. It felt like managing a three-ring circus, and I’m not exactly a circus ringmaster.

The Upgrade Helper:

Enter the Upgrade Helper — a lifesaver for React Native developers. This web tool has become my trusty sidekick in the upgrade process. It visually lays out the changes between two versions, making it easier to understand what’s going on under the hood. It even provides comments on specific files, acting as my personal guide through the upgrade maze.

A Click Away from Upgrade Bliss:

Selecting the versions has never been easier. The Upgrade Helper lets me pick where I’m coming from and where I want to go. Major updates even throw in some “useful content” links, helping me out with additional resources. Feeling lazy? No problem! I can just run npx react-native upgrade and it magically takes me to the Upgrade Helper page with versions pre-selected. Talk about a shortcut!

Upgrading Dependencies:

The first stop on our upgrade journey is the package.json file. Here, I get a clear view of the changes in dependencies. The Upgrade Helper suggests the versions I need, and with a couple of yarn add commands, I’m on my way. It’s like having a personal assistant fetching the right tools for the job.

Project Files Upgrade:

Now, we get to the nitty-gritty — the project files. The Upgrade Helper lists all the files affected by the upgrade. If there are changes, it’s decision time. I can either update manually or use the npx react-native upgrade command to let the React Native CLI do the heavy lifting. It’s like having a code butler — saves time and effort!

Troubleshooting Woes:

But wait, what if my app still clings to the old version despite all my efforts? Fear not, my friends, for there’s a troubleshooting tool in the arsenal. react-native-clean project is my go-to for clearing out project caches. It’s like a magical broom sweeping away all the remnants of the past, allowing my app to embrace the new.

Conclusion — Sailing Smooth:

In conclusion, upgrading a React Native project doesn’t have to be a stormy sea. With the Upgrade Helper and a few handy commands, I’ve found smooth waters in my upgrade journey. It’s about embracing the evolution, staying current, and enjoying the benefits of a framework that keeps getting better.


1. Renovate: Automated Dependency Updates

Renovate is a powerful tool that automates the process of updating dependencies in your project. It works by creating pull requests for each outdated dependency, making it easier to review and merge updates. Renovate supports a wide range of package managers, including npm, which is perfect for React Native projects.

2. react-native-community/cli

React Native Community CLI is an officially maintained CLI tool that provides a set of commands to upgrade your React Native project. It automates several tasks during the upgrade process and ensures a smoother transition between versions.

To install, use the following command:

npm install -g @react-native-community/cli

Then, you can run:

npx react-native upgrade

3. npm-check-updates: Update npm Dependencies

npm-check-updates is a handy command-line tool that checks for updates to your project’s npm dependencies. It allows you to see which packages have new versions available and can automatically update your package.json file.

Install it using:

npm install -g npm-check-updates

And then run:

ncu -u

4. Dependabot: Automated Dependency Management

Dependabot is a GitHub tool that automatically creates pull requests to update your dependencies. It supports a variety of languages and package managers, including npm. Setting up Dependabot for your React Native project can save time and ensure that you are always using the latest versions of your dependencies.

5. react-native-community/react-native-template-upgrade

React Native Template Upgrade is a template for creating a new React Native project that is pre-configured with the latest versions of dependencies. While it’s primarily for new projects, you can use it as a reference to align your existing project’s configuration with the latest best practices.


Embracing these tools can turn the often complex and time-consuming task of upgrading React Native projects into a more manageable and efficient process. As you embark on your upgrade journey, having these tools at your disposal will undoubtedly make the experience more pleasant and help you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the React Native ecosystem.

So, fellow developers, fear not the upgrade process. Embrace the tools, leverage the community wisdom, and keep your React Native ship sailing smoothly towards the horizon of innovation. Happy coding!




Written by lassiecoder

I'm a software developer. My expertise spans JavaScript, React Native, TypeScript, ReactJS, Next.js, and MongoDB.

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