JavaScript: JSON and JSON-server
3 min readMay 2, 2020
- JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation also called as Javascript objects
- JSON is used to transfer the data over the network
- It’s lightweight compared to XML
- Reading of JSON is easy compared to XML
- JSON is network friendly format
- Object: { }
- Array: [ ]
- Data: key and value pairs, key and values separated by “:”, key & value pairs separated by using “,”

JSON data in table form

AJAX calls
- AJAX also known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
- It’s a frontend tool used to communicate with the backend
- It helps to develop fast and dynamic web pages
- It supports various formats including JSON, XML, HTML and text files
- Make requests to the server without reloading the pages.
- XML is known as Extensible Markup Language, mainly focuses on the transfer of data
- XML tags identify the data and used to store and fetch the data, rather than specifying how to display them
Updating JSON data using JSON server
- JSON server used to create the Rest API’s (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- JSON server supports only JSON object
- JSON server is a lightweight server
- By default JSON server running on port number 3000
Create a workspace as shown in the below image

We install JSON server by using the following command inside the “demo.json” file:

We start the server by using the following command

Create another workspace as shown in the below image