Embarking on a 100-Day Journey with JavaScript! 🚀

Hey everyone! 👋
I’m diving headfirst into a 100-days of JavaScript adventure, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share it with you all! 🎉
Over the next three months, I’ll be immersing myself in everything JavaScript has to offer, from the very basics to some seriously advanced concepts.
Here’s the link to my GitHub repository where you can find all the latest updates and progress reports.
Here’s a sneak peek into what’s in store:
Exploring JavaScript Fundamentals:
- Code structure
- Modern mode: “use strict”
- Variables & Data types
- Interaction methods: alert, prompt, confirm
- Type Conversions
- Basic operators & Math
- Comparisons & Conditional branching: if, ‘?’
- Logical operators & Nullish coalescing ‘??’
- Loops: while, for
- “switch” statement
- Functions & Expressions
- Arrow functions basics
Mastering Objects in JavaScript:
- Basics of Objects
- Object references and copying
- Garbage collection
- Object methods and “this” keyword
- Constructors and the “new” operator
- Optional chaining with ‘?.’
- Symbol type
- Object to primitive conversion
JavaScript Data Types & Operations:
- Understanding Data types
- Methods of primitives
- Working with Numbers
- Manipulating Strings
- Handling Arrays & Array methods
- Exploring Iterables
- Map and Set data structures
- WeakMap and WeakSet for memory management
- Object manipulation: keys, values, entries
- Destructuring assignment for efficient coding
- Working with Date and time
- JSON methods and toJSON for data serialization
Advanced Function Techniques in JavaScript:
- Recursion and managing the stack
- Leveraging Rest parameters and spread syntax
- Understanding Variable scope and closure
- Considerations with the old “var” keyword
- Exploring the Global object
- Function objects and Named Function Expressions (NFE)
- Utilizing the “new Function” syntax
- Scheduling tasks with setTimeout and setInterval
- Applying Decorators and forwarding with call/apply
- Function binding for managing context
- Revisiting Arrow functions and their nuances
Advanced Object Property Configuration & Prototypal Inheritance:
- Understanding Property flags and descriptors
- Implementing Property getters and setters for controlled access
- Delving into Prototypal inheritance and its mechanisms
- Exploring F.prototype and its role in inheritance chains
- Native prototypes and their usage in JavaScript
- Prototype methods and handling objects without proto references
Exploring JavaScript Classes:
- Introduction to Class basic syntax
- Implementing Class inheritance
- Defining Static properties and methods within classes
- Understanding Private and protected properties and methods
- Extending built-in classes for custom functionality
- Class checking using “instanceof”
- Utilizing Mixins for flexible composition of behavior
Handling Errors in JavaScript:
- Implementing basic error handling with “try…catch”
- Creating Custom errors by extending the Error object
Promises, async/await JavaScript Operations:
- Introduction to callbacks
- Understanding Promises and their usage
- Chaining Promises for sequential operations
- Error handling with Promises
- Exploring the Promise API for additional functionality
- Promisification for converting callback-based functions to Promise-based
- Managing microtasks
- Utilizing async/await for asynchronous code readability and simplicity
Generators, advanced iteration & Modules Features:
- Understanding Generators for advanced iteration
- Exploring async iteration and generators for asynchronous operations
- Introduction to Modules and their benefits
- Exporting and Importing modules for code organization and reusability
- Dynamically importing modules for efficient loading and dependency management
Miscellaneous JavaScript Topics:
- Utilizing Proxy and Reflect for meta-programming and interception
- Running code strings dynamically with eval (caution advised)
- Implementing Currying for functional programming
- Understanding Reference Type in JavaScript
- Working with BigInt for handling large integer values
- Exploring Unicode and String internals for character encoding
- Utilizing WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry for memory management and cleanup duties
Stay tuned for daily updates, challenges, and plenty of code snippets! Let’s make these 100 days count! 💻✨
Feel free to share this post with fellow coders and enthusiasts. Let’s spread the JavaScript love far and wide! 🚀
See you in the code! 😉